result count: 5

Sys422678_nameBlock? Help?
Sys422678_szquest_accept_detailTake a careful look at the stealthy [<S>102494|Zurhidon Investigators] beside the abandoned guardians. Zurhidon... I am sure you have heard of them before. Yet if you haven't, I recommend that you leave this place as soon as possible. Don't foolishly think that you can win this battle with passion.\n\nI've seen this kind of person many times. If you don't have the abilities, don't try to act like a hero. Honor won't make up for the loss of your life.\n\nLook, they don't care about the changes to the surrounding environment. Their pride is their weakness. We'll use that to our advantage so we can capture a [102494|Zurhidon Investigator] before they have been warned.\n\nI want to have a talk with them...
Sys422678_szquest_complete_detailHey... That took a long time... I thought you ran away. Actually, it wouldn't be bad if you ran as it would save me from having to tidy up the results of your failure.\n\nSince you captured him... We'll let [113489|Midese] lock him in the cage to the side.
Sys422678_szquest_descAfter weakening a [102494|Zurhidon Investigator], use a [205672|Dragon Hair Rope] to capture him and bring him to Captain [113458|Yashina].
Sys422678_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you give up?\n\nThen just return to the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] where you can be protected. Compared to the cruelty of the Naga, dealing with Zurhidon isn't that hard of a mission.