result count: 19

SC_422679_0Out with it! What are you up to?
SC_422679_1Why should I tell you? Where are you from anyway?\n\n([113490|Zurhidon Investigator] speaks softly - how did an outsider get in...the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] is shut tight... not to mention [ZONE_BLOODBATH VALLEY|Bloodbath Valley]...)
SC_422679_10What are you doing? You want... stop, stop, stop! I surrender completely! Don't hit me! Don't take that off! ARRGGHH! IT BUUURRRRNNNNS!
SC_422679_11But you want to know what we're doing, right? That's what I'm trying to tell you... I'm not cut out for this kind of thankless, fatal work...
SC_422679_12Pen and paper please. I'll write it down. Don't come anywhere near me!
SC_422679_13Ugh! Ready!
SC_422679_2You can choose not to speak... I don't mind trying some harder methods...
SC_422679_3I personally don't condone physical violence... You're not insane, are you? Let's sit down and discuss things...
SC_422679_4See what I'm made of.
SC_422679_5That's true... I'm not insane...but still...
SC_422679_6Hey you! Don't do it. Let me go. I won't hold a grudge. Do you know who I am?\n\nHave you heard of the Zurhidon?\n\nQuickly, or else...
SC_422679_7You're wasting your breath. Go to Captain [113458|Yashina's] storage box and grab some tools.
SC_422679_8Tell me when you've got it and I'll restrain him.
SC_422679_9OK. Let's begin...
Sys422679_nameRuined Appetite
Sys422679_szquest_accept_detailThe appetite-ruining disguise is useless for defense, but these clothes should be more useful in another way.\n\nMy captain is currently scouting out the area around the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation], and Zurhidon's actions around the abandoned guardians are quite suspicious. No hidden dangers can be left, understand [$PLAYERNAME]?\n\nNow...You can try any method you like to force him to tell us what they're up to. Get a [205761|Confession], then remember to remove his clothes.\n\nI'll have [113489|Midese] restrain him. You just ask him anything you like...
Sys422679_szquest_complete_detailHe pointlessly continued to struggle. Wouldn't it have saved us both time if he just surrendered?\n\nHe should really be thankful that [113489|Midese] was here so he had the chance to keep his life. [113489|Midese] always liked to advise me against acting. Rather than all this pointless back and forth, just let him squirm in fear.\n\nThere was something of interest among all the rubbish that was the [205761|Confession]. Zurhidon's method of restarting the abandoned guardians is very creative. The remaining question is...will I let them get the chance.
Sys422679_szquest_descGet a [205761|Confession] from the captured [113490|Zurhidon Investigator], then remove his clothes and give them to [113458|Yashina].
Sys422679_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhen you're done questioning him, bring me his clothes. Those clothes will be a lot more useful for us than they will be for him.