result count: 12

SC_422687_0Captain [113458|Yashina] asked me to come work with you to understand the Scarlet Snake guard's motivation.
SC_422687_1The counter-attack is starting? Right! We can't allow [113487|Ganoda's] blood to have been spilled in vain.\n\nThe time is about right. That Scarlet Snake guard regularly walks to the perimeter of the Blacksnake camp alone. Usually it's too dark, and I can only make out that he's burying something in the ground. I'll take this opportunity to be clear.\n\nYou go find an ambush position first, and don't attract the attention of other patrols.
SC_422687_2I'm ready for battle at any time.
SC_422687_3Coming, be vigilant!
SC_422687_4Very good, we have to wait a while longer.
SC_422687_5The explosives are almost set... Scarlet Snake General will be pleased...
SC_422687_6What? Who are you? It's an ambush!
Sys422687_nameScarlet Snake Guard Detail
Sys422687_szquest_accept_detailHow can the enemy be allowed satisfaction? All those bad guys who put me in a bad mood must pay the price.\n\nWhile the situation is difficult, it's still not time to reveal our military operations. [113487|Ganoda]...was burnt to death because he is believed to have been a Zurhidon, so let's shift the blame to them.\n\nFrom now on, in any operations related to the Blacksnake camp, remember to wear Zurhidon clothes. I really don't want to raise suspicions. The Naga soldiers should have already started searching for the escaped "Zurhidon", but this is not enough. These suspicions are too easily dispelled.\n\n[113488|William Hasem's] report points out that when [113487|Ganoda] was killed, the [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur] didn't show up...and that Scarlet Snake guards hid nearby, but didn't participate...\n\n[113489|Midese] and I will monitor the Zurhidon near the Guardian and keep an eye on the Naga soldiers as well. If they don't dare to openly cause trouble for these's possible Mafrur doesn't know they disposed of [113487|Ganoda].\n\nWe're still not clear why the Scarlet Snake guards always meet some distance from Mafrur's tent in the middle of the night. Finding out the motives of these Scarlet Snake guards who could enter the leader's tent at will is the first step of the plan.\n\n[113488|William Hasem] has already secured information about the timing of the Naga patrols and can help you. You two should work together to find out why Scarlet Snake guards have come here. Report back any information.
Sys422687_szquest_complete_detailHmm, interesting...interesting...\n\nI originally thought it was a military intelligence contact, this Scarlet Snake guard detail delivered a surprise. A report to the Scarlet Snake general and a letter containing the truth about the Naga King Sharleedah's betrayal of Mafrur...
Sys422687_szquest_descCooperate with [113488|William Hasem], who's hiding near the Blacksnake camp. Use his records of Naga whereabouts to ascertain the Scarlet Snake guard detail's motivation for coming.
Sys422687_szquest_uncomplete_detailFollow the information about the Scarlet Snakes whereabouts obtained by [113488|William Hasem], and after stopping them, take them out of sight of the Blacksnake camp. Make full use of the terrain to keep them from calling for help. Don't incite a riot, and don't do anything unnecessary.\n\nDo you understand? Don't ask me why I don't draw you a map. Additional evidence means additional risk. No matter what, [113488|William Hasem] will tell you what to do.