result count: 9

SC_422688_0I've finished reading...
SC_422688_1Wonderful? Regardless of defenses, carrying this report with him... He probably doesn't expect that "his enemies" were already so close. This kind of weakness is really their common failing.\n\nNot believing the enemy can break through the line of defense...when two armies clash, revealing arrogance, underestimating the enemy...before the situation is clear, is the greatest type of weakness. Don't give me a chance to laugh at you.
SC_422688_2Yes, I know.
SC_422688_3The report repeatedly mentions "Give your subordinate a little more time. Give him a chance", full of pleading for his life...It looks like this General Kurawang's brutality is unspeakable, but in his letter to Mafrur he expresses deep feelings of brotherhood...\n\nDo you believe it?\n\nI don't believe he would be like this...especially this part "The next step in the plan to use the truth to trap General Mafrur and draw out his hatred of King Sharleedah may need to start earlier..."\n\nI do believe that he is calculating and shrewd though. He's a really interesting guy. Now that he's let his subordinate make final plans, we can take over from here. Let's see how much we can disrupt this Scarlet Snake General's designs. It's a really exciting discovery...
Sys422688_nameMilitary Intelligence
Sys422688_szquest_accept_detailThese two important reports are enough to provide us with the next step in our plan. First take a look at the report he sent to the [102526|Scarlet Snake General Kurawang].\n\nThe beginning reads...\n"Advising General Kurawang: Subordinate has successfully made contact with General Mafrur..."\n\nThis other one tells the truth about the Naga King Sharleedah's betrayal of Mafrur. it first, then we'll discuss.\n\nKnowing the content of the previous letter makes the contrast very ironic...
Sys422688_szquest_complete_detailI can only say that the [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur's] trust is too foolish. In an environment filled with all kinds of tricks, he's not even a little wary.\n\nTrust, someone who is unworthy what good is it to persist?\n\nWith this kind of personality, regardless of how wise his military judgment is, it's still infuriating. Ha...maybe in the end he'll die in pieces and not even know what happened...
Sys422688_szquest_descRead the two reports and discuss with Captain [113458|Yashina].
Sys422688_szquest_uncomplete_detailFinished reading?\n\nDo you smell the corrupt conspiracy like I do?