result count: 13

SC_422697_0General, I found this box
SC_422697_1It looks correct... Where did you find it?
SC_422697_2Mafrur is inspecting the box. This is a good time to attack!
SC_422697_3I've come to help you!
SC_422697_5There is an uproar in the camp. It seems the Blacksnake Lieutenant has returned.
SC_422697_6Go, get out of here...
SC_422697_7Your disguise has been seen through!
Sys422697_nameStrike Mafrur
Sys422697_szquest_accept_detailDon't worry...I won't forget that the [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur] is the enemy. He may bear some resemblance to Aliya, but their positions are different.\n\nInstead of letting him die by betrayal, it's better that he meet his end at our hands. Let him guard the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation] until the last minute, so that his death will be worth even more.\n\nAnd now the absolute advantage is in our hands. Even if he could give up the messages between brothers in the box, this letter from Lady Hansis could never leak out. The current Naga King is his loyal brother Sharleedah, and based on his personality...the past with Hansis is the past. Holding onto the letter is the limit. If it got out, he couldn't ignore the turbulence it would cause.\n\nDo you still remember the [205964|Transformation Potion] I mentioned to you before? [113486|Palea Goethe] got it off the body of a Zurhidon member near [ZONE_BLOODBATH VALLEY|Bloodbath Valley]. It can make you look like a Naga. While the time is short, it should be enough to return a letter.\n\nTake advantage of these few minutes to take the box into the tent, and when Mafrur is distracted, assassinate him. This time, we'll be with you.\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_01|(This is a group quest, good luck!)]
Sys422697_szquest_complete_detailThe Blacksnake lieutenant returned just in time to meet Mafrur's corpse.\n\nBlood still dripping from the body, from the depths of the deep is powerless resentment...I know better than anyone...\n\nThis way all of the deep hatred will be directed at Zurhidon. Yes, it was all Zurhidon's doing, and our goal has been completely achieved.
Sys422697_szquest_descAfter drinking the [205964|Transformation Potion], be sure to quickly take [205930|Mafrur's Box] to General Mafrur's tent, taking advantage of the diversion to execute the assassination of the [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur].\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_01|(This is a group quest, good luck!)]
Sys422697_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's better that his life ended in our hands than at the hands of his family. As for the Scarlet Snake General Kurawang, while we don't know his exact plan, from the way he was cozying up to Mafrur, he couldn't have been expected that this was going to happen.\n\nIt's unfortunate that I couldn't see his expression...really unfortunate...