result count: 10

SC_422699I've come to send [113453|Lordelain] on his way...
SC_422699_1I've come to see you one last time, [113453|Lordelain]...
SC_422699_2The past is fresh in my memory, but you lie here cold...
SC_422699_3I will avenge your death, brother! Go peacefully...
SC_422699_4Lieutenant [113453|Lordelain] died heroically today, but his deeds will live on in our hearts!
Sys422699_nameRespect for a Hero
Sys422699_szquest_accept_detailWe've already lost a lot of men in this operation. [113453|Lordelain] wasn't the first and he won't be the last...\n\n(Although [113455|Apat] looks very calm, you can't help but notice the tears in the corners of his eye.)\n\nThe fighting at the front is very hard and we don't have the manpower to recover the remains of the fallen. Not only do we have too few men, but if we take the remains back, word of the impending Naga attack will leak out and send the villagers into a panic.\n\nWe'd better hold a simple ceremony for our fallen comrade here. Go! Speak with [113523|Yarkason] in the open area up ahead, then take [113453|Lordelain] on his final journey.
Sys422699_szquest_complete_detail(You see [113455|Apat] take Lordelain's badge and mumble to himself)\n\nScumbag Naga! I will avenge you, [113453|Lordelain], and soon my friend...very soon.
Sys422699_szquest_descGo to the open area on [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill], speak with [113523|Yarkason] and then take Lieutenant [113453|Lordelain] on his final journey.
Sys422699_szquest_uncomplete_detailAlthough I steeled myself for the loss of comrades, when I look at the ice cold corpse of my right hand man and companion [113453|Lordelain], I can't help but feel deep sadness...