result count: 7

SC_422729_1What's wrong?
SC_422729_2Heh's nothing...I was just recalling my state of mind! At the time I was bleeding profusely, and in order to get the plan on track I had to let my friend take the responsibility. In order to not affect the morale of the other soldiers, I clenched my teeth and insisted they leave. I originally planned to rest a while...but because of the seriousness of my injuries, I fainted...\n\nWhen I awoke I realized I was surrounded by strangers. Heh heh...I had mixed feelings.\n\nBut time didn't stop for me. I didn't know how the plan had been implemented while I was unconscious. I had promised my friend that I'd catch up to the team soon, but didn't realize my body would disobey me like that.
Sys422729_nameRescued Soldier
Sys422729_szquest_accept_detail(Cough) Your voice... Your accent is the same as mine! You're an adventurer, right?\n\n(Cough). My luck still isn't bad! I always meet somebody that helps me when I get caught in a tight spot.\n\nAs you can see, I was heavily injured due to an accident not long ago...\n\n(Cough). In order to find a shortcut to destroy the [ZONE_NAGA ACROPOLIS|Naga Acropolis] as quickly as possible, we broke the troops into several teams to explore it and infiltrate it. My team was assigned to infiltrate the [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks] and disturb their military activities, but on the way there...(cough cough cough)...our team came across a group of Naga patrolling the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains]. We suffered casualties and I was seriously injured so I had to temporarily stop moving to allow myself to heal.\n\nBut time didn't allow us to relax, so without any regrets I gave my important responsibilities to my good friend [113448|Elson Jinkerna]...\n\n([113444|Moli Gerdoli] lowers his head. What is he thinking?)
Sys422729_szquest_complete_detail(Cough cough)... I'm really worried about their safety, but in such a tough situation...I'm not by their side so I can't do anything for them...\n\nAdventurer...maybe it doesn't sound like much to you! But it's essential. If you're human... No, maybe I shouldn't say that... If you have a pure heart, you must join this battle.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], the world needs your help!
Sys422729_szquest_descInterrupt [113444|Moli Gerdoli's] ruminations, talk to him.
Sys422729_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Cough cough)... What was I saying?