result count: 5

Sys422735_nameMultiple Teams
Sys422735_szquest_accept_detailIt was all carried out according to plan. We caused a disturbance amongst the Naga, but the important part is about to start!\n\nThe main target this time is the commander of the production line, [102517|Firesnake Captain Fenkani]. Eliminating him will shut down the production line and cause an even bigger disturbance that we'll use as a distraction so we can send another unit to infiltrate the front line.\n\nWe also need to get the important military intelligence that [102517|Firesnake Captain Fenkani] has on him. According to the signals given to us by the scouts, it seems that he carries all military documents on him in a fine [205877|Treasure Box]. In order to execute our strategy more precisely, we need to get that [205877|Treasure Box]!
Sys422735_szquest_complete_detailWe finally have it! I wonder what kind of military documents are inside. It makes me wonder what the Naga are planning to do.\n\nWhat... What is this?
Sys422735_szquest_desc[113448|Elson Jinkerna] of the [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks] wants you to dispose of [102517|Firesnake Captain Fenkani] and get the [205877|Treasure Box] from him.
Sys422735_szquest_uncomplete_detailKill [102517|Firesnake Captain Fenkani] and get the [205877|Treasure Box]. This will cause a disturbance for the production line. Then...