result count: 5

Sys422736_nameCommon Secret
Sys422736_szquest_accept_detailHu... I've finally finished making the medicine!\n\nHey, you! Where were you just now! Why didn't you listen and stay at the secret base! This isn't permitted!\n\n([113452|Gracernia] clenches her fists and shows her teeth, then smiles again.)\n\nHey, your reaction was very interesting! This is what we can do! If you really want to take a walk outside, then how about you take this to [113442|Yumidug] on your way! He's the one that has helped you the most! Because of his help, none of the village's old fogeys were able to enter our secret base!\n\nHe should be in the cave nearby managing the supplies that you outsiders need. You should go and help out a bit!
Sys422736_szquest_complete_detail[113452|Gracernia] wanted you to bring me this [205885|Wooden Box]? I see. I'll take it!\n\nIf you don't have anything else to do, you might as well stay and chat with me! I haven't had any contact with the outside world for a long time. Perhaps you can tell me what it has been like out there recently?
Sys422736_szquest_desc[113452|Gracernia] of [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] wants you to give the [205885|Wooden Box] to [113442|Yumidug], who is in the nearby cave.
Sys422736_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat an unfamiliar face. I bet that you are an outsider that just arrived here, right? What happened?