result count: 15

SC_422743_0Why are you here?
SC_422743_1[113443|Alliwaiz] asked me to deliver the [205890|Fire Wine] to you.
SC_422743_2You...aren't dead after all?
SC_422743_3Since you are not dead, that just means [113443|Alliwaiz] no longer trusts me...
SC_422743_4I've always been waiting for this day to come.
SC_422743_5But now I regret it.
SC_422743_6Never, I'll take it!
SC_422743_7Mourning dog, go back and tell [113443|Alliwaiz]
SC_422743_8That life he owes me - we're even now!
SC_422743_9The next time we meet, we'll be sworn enemies.
Sys422743_nameFire Liquor Delivery
Sys422743_szquest_accept_detailWe know the truth. At present...[ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] cannot shelter such a dangerous traitor.\n\nBut how could I bring myself to kill him? Our friendship these years really wasn't fake. At least, the memories aren't fake for me. How can I bear to kill my best friend? Much less, he saved my life. What can I do with him...\n\n([113443|Alliwaiz's] clenched fists loosen up a little bit and he emotionally looks at you.)\n\nOutsider, this is my only request. Give this [205890|Fire Wine] to [113442|Yumidug].\n\nIf you give it to him personally, I think he'll understand what it means. This is the end of our friendship, and it is my last response to him as [113443|Alliwaiz].\n\nAfter delivering this liquor, just return here!
Sys422743_szquest_complete_detailHe...actually still understands me.\n\nOur friendship has reached its end... Next time we meet, we'll be mortal enemies... There's no way that can be changed.
Sys422743_szquest_desc[113443|Alliwaiz] wants you to deliver the [205890|Fire Wine] to [113442|Yumidug] in [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] and then tell him what happens.
Sys422743_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis [205890|Fire Wine]... I don't think he'll misunderstand what it means!\n\nHe saved me once, so I'll allow him to live now!