result count: 20

SC_422744_1I'm so tired...I don't want to deceive you anymore! My good friend [113443|Alliwaiz]! So I chose this tell you my predicament!
SC_422744_10However, ever since I was young I've put my faith in the organization and relied on it...
SC_422744_11I can't choose either side. I could only think of this silly way to let fate decide everything...
SC_422744_12By the time you've discovered the secret hidden in this thing, we may have already become hostile. Or maybe not?
SC_422744_13Humph! But who cares? I only hope you can understand my predicament!
SC_422744_14[113443|Alliwaiz], you once said that you place incomparable trust in your friends, and I betrayed your trust.
SC_422744_15It's not that I don't value you... it's just...
SC_422744_2Before, I always believed that great power was everything! It wasn't until I met you, met Glasned, that I changed my mind.
SC_422744_3[113443|Alliwaiz]...You once said that human emotions are wonderful. If you put feelings into anything, that thing will change.
SC_422744_4Now I'm in that state of mind...To me, you and Glasned are the most important people in my life.
SC_422744_5So I chose to confess to you, and sent this necklace to you, and let fate decide where things go from here.
SC_422744_6Those outsiders who came many years ago and I were actually members of an organization that was searching for great power.
SC_422744_7We were ordered to come to [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] and begin a research exploration here, to collect [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] artifacts...and to follow all orders...
SC_422744_8I had to stick to my orders... However, my heart was always swinging between you and the organization.
SC_422744_9I told you before that I'm an orphan...with no relatives in my life. After Glasned died, I saw you as a family member...
Sys422744_nameSaying Goodbye to the Past
Sys422744_szquest_accept_detail([113443|Alliwaiz] tears off the [204067|Chain] he was wearing!)\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], this [204067|Chain] was given to me by [113442|Yumidug]. He said it was a gift of friendship. It hurts to think about it.\n\nI can't look at anything that he's given me! Anything that could influence my decisions must be thrown out...\n\nI still have many more things that must be protected. In order to protect those, there are some things that I have to give up. This is the responsibility of the mayor.\n\nThere is an ancient [113434|Brazier] in the center of the town. We all believe that it can burn away pain and misfortune.\n\nI no longer need this thing. Help me throw it into the\n[113434|Brazier]! Let the [113434|Brazier] burn away this pain!
Sys422744_szquest_complete_detailIt's destroyed. That's good... From now on [113442|Yumidug] is [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka's] enemy! [$PLAYERNAME], [113443|Alliwaiz] owes you one!\n\nI, [113443|Alliwaiz], hereby promise you that if you ever come across difficulties in the future, you can come to [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]. The citizens of [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] welcome you!\n\nAlso, we'll give you the help you deserve!
Sys422744_szquest_desc[113443|Alliwaiz] wants you to use the [113434|Brazier] in [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] to burn the [204067|Chain].
Sys422744_szquest_uncomplete_detail[ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]... The village that I care for with all my heart, and [113442|Yumidug]... Once my friend...\n\nWhat painful irony. I still can't completely believe that [113442|Yumidug] betrayed [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]. I don't even have the will to burn the [204067|Chain] in the [113434|Brazier].\n\nI could almost laugh...