result count: 5

Sys422769_nameThe Job of Creating Happiness
Sys422769_szquest_accept_detailLooks you are already quite knowledgeable about the science of cooking. I trust that you can now make high quality juice.\n\nI still have a lot of orders that I haven't filled yet. How about we test out your abilities by having you make 3 bottles of [<S>205893|Moonlight Grapefruit Juice]?
Sys422769_szquest_complete_detailThe festival-goers will be very grateful to you.\n\nI hope to see you again tomorrow!
Sys422769_szquest_descMake 3 bottles of [<S>205893|Moonlight Grapefruit Juice] and give them to [111638|Aytin Lor] in [ZONE_VARANAS EAST WING|Lower City East] of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].
Sys422769_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you have any problems making them?