result count: 16

SC_422784_0Come with me. I will show you the source of the bloodstain.
SC_422784_1The creatures here used to be very tame. The vermillion newt used to eat grass and liked to snuggle up to humans...
SC_422784_10Please give me a [206156|Spirit Projection Stone].
SC_422784_2The [102792|Vermillion Newt] is approaching rapidly. It looks like it's preparing to attack!
SC_422784_3Please don't harm them. Let me mend their bloodstained hearts.
SC_422784_4[113633|Narfas] wipes the sweat from her brow. She looks a little pale.
SC_422784_5Tar beasts are shy creatures. They lie about in swamps blowing bubbles and generally ignoring the world.
SC_422784_6[113633|Narfas] is drawing shallow breaths. Her face is even paler.
SC_422784_7No harm done. I've made a lot of purifiers and medicines lately. A short rest and I'll be fine.
SC_422784_8This is the [ZONE_POOL OF BLOOD|Bloodstained Pond]. Can you feel it? The bloody pool water is full of negative energy. It all originates from a demon sword...
SC_422784_9Pe-ertei Tista-antei \n<Purify>... Sword and bearer are both gone. Time flows like water. What...have I cleansed? What have I cured?
Sys422784_namePolluting Mutation
Sys422784_szquest_accept_detailI...was once injured and lost most of my power. I couldn't cleanse the blood on my own. I have lived in [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb] for years because only the natural power of this place could slowly heal my wounds and give me the power to stand again.\n\nLuckily the wood spirits agreed to help me during these years. They eagerly studied the cleansing procedure, but those animals that were infected and mutated by polluted blood were extremely aggressive. The fairies are not natural fighters so were often injured while cleansing them.\n\nI hope that this situation doesn't continue for much longer. If only I could recover quicker... Or if somebody with a heart of gold and the ability to protect themselves were able to take on the fairies' task...\n\nIs that person you, [$PLAYERNAME]?\n\nIf you agree to help me, take this [206156|Spirit Projection Stone]. I'm unable to leave [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb]. After you leave this place, use the [206156|Spirit Projection Stone]. It will summon a copy of my spirit. Walk with the copy and I'll take you to see the source of the polluted blood. You must be careful because we'll come across contaminated and mutated animals.
Sys422784_szquest_complete_detailThe power of the polluted blood is too great. The cleansing can't be completed in a single day...
Sys422784_szquest_descFollow [113633|Narfas] to the [ZONE_POOL OF BLOOD|Bloodstained Pond] and learn the source of the creature mutations.
Sys422784_szquest_uncomplete_detailCleansing polluted blood is too dangerous. Wood spirits are often injured in the process. If only I could recover a bit quicker...