result count: 25

SC_422813_0You look like you were sent by that lady, [113633|Narfas], like a model of silly righteousness.
SC_422813_1Don't deceive any more innocent people! [102804|Tiyana]!
SC_422813_10Even poisoning this poor adventurer. [102805|Yamilaka], perhaps you should let him sober up some. Then he'll know how unforgivable his actions were.
SC_422813_11Humph! Always going on about mission and redemption. What has she really done?
SC_422813_12That self-righteous woman is always so proudly looking down on everything, trampling everyone down into the abyss.
SC_422813_13Sober up...don't be fooled by appearances.
SC_422813_14You've been deceived...there's no point in fighting further. [113670|Ayesha], let's go!
SC_422813_16Enjoy the comfort now, then go back and tell that hypocritical woman that when [113673|Androth] awakens, she will be the first to be killed! If you continue to help her, you won't escape either, [$PLAYERNAME]!
SC_422813_2What nonsense is this? My name is [113670|Ayesha].
SC_422813_20It looks like we have unexpected guests.
SC_422813_21You? The one who destroyed lives with that woman, [113633|Narfas]?
SC_422813_22Quest failed!
SC_422813_3[102805|Yamilaka], sober up! All of this was caused by her!
SC_422813_4She has been using you to hurt [113633|Narfas], and to hurt all creatures.
SC_422813_5I don't believe you, [$PLAYERNAME]! I saw for myself! That woman killed those creatures herself.
SC_422813_6Ah, what was the expression on [113633|Narfas'] face when she was killing those creatures? It's too bad I didn't see it myself. The injury isn't enough, she should suffer more...
SC_422813_7[102805|Yamilaka]! Those creatures were all arranged by that woman. She made it so the cleansing power would kill them. [113633|Narfas] blames herself for their deaths.
SC_422813_8Why should I believe you?
SC_422813_9That woman is always destroying everything around me, and taking countless lives...
Sys422813_nameAwakening Souls
Sys422813_szquest_accept_detailHer soul is full of hatred. She is called "The Temptress" because she lures in kind-hearted adventurers and compels them to risk their lives for her and even tricks them into harming unfortunate creatures... We must stop her from continuing to tempt these innocent kind-hearted people towards evil. We must reawaken them!\n\nAll creatures have their own path. To prompt the reverse effects of cleansing, [102804|Tiyana] uses magic on those animals, turning the cleansing technique into a harmful energy. However, she has forgotten that I'm able to track her with my remaining energy.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], [113691|Tiyana's] temptation ability is due to her being skilled at hiding her true self. However, her magic has a fatal weakness. If the caster suffers a serious injury, the magic will lose its effectiveness.\n\nDue to [113668|Inmakat's] counterattack, my mana has temporarily been depleted... It can't be regenerated in a short period of time... The crisis can't be resolved...\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], use this [206168|Curdling Stone]. It will represent me and take you to [102804|Tiyana]. A strong will allows my spirit to stay with you.
Sys422813_szquest_complete_detailOh... [$PLAYERNAME].\n\n(As [113633|Narfas] looks at you, you see her face is pale and spotted with beads of cold sweat.)\n\nYou didn't awaken them and you let them escape with [102804|Tiyana]? Don't worry. I'll use the remaining energy to find them again...\n\nWhat? Is there something else?\n\nYou say Androth will be resurrected?
Sys422813_szquest_desc[113633|Narfas] of [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb] wants you to use the [206168|Curdling Stone] to take you to [102804|Tiyana's] hiding place. When you are there, do your best to defeat the adventurers tempted by [102804|Tiyana].
Sys422813_szquest_uncomplete_detailUse the [206168|Curdling Stone]. It will take you to where [102804|Tiyana] is hiding. Use your power to awaken those adventurers that have been tempted...