result count: 10

SC_422820_0You must get closer to [102755|Inmakat].
SC_422820_1A beam of light falls on [113668|Inmakat's] body, and the Lyoth Engraving produces a dark purple core around it.
SC_422820_2The liquid from the [206149|Cleansing Bottle] was successfully sprinkled on [113668|Inmakat's] body.
SC_422820_3You sprinkle the liquid from the [206149|Cleansing Bottle] on [102755|Inmakat's] body.
SC_422820_4You already got the [206148|Inmakat's Dark Core]. Priestess [113670|Ayesha] is waiting for you to bring it back to her.
Sys422820_szquest_accept_detail([113665|Ayesha] droops her eyes and narrates with an indifferent tone)\n\nYou know...I keep tracking that girl...\n\nBut her figure is surrounded by fog. The only thing that's sure...she's still in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest]. If I can't find her precise location, how can our hunt be successful?\n\n[101867|Lyoth's] two exceptional attendants, [113667|Prometo] and [113668|Inmakat]. She can trap [113667|Prometo] first... Because she can sense my cleansing when I am near her... But as for where [113668|Inmakat] is, it isn't as easy to tell, especially when she's wounded...\n\n(It may be a misconception, but the moment that that girl's injury was mentioned, it was as if you saw [113665|Ayesha] smile happily..)\n\nIt doesn't matter if [113667|Prometo] is defeated. So now you should go find [113668|Inmakat]. She's hiding in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest]. Also, take this [206149|Cleansing Bottle]. The liquid in the bottom is enough to seriously injure that kind of woman, and her blood may lead us to where she is..\n\nAfter you use the [206146|Lyoth Engraving] on [113668|Inmakat], pour the [206149|Cleansing Bottle] on her. We then just have to chase her down!
Sys422820_szquest_complete_detail[206148|Inmakat's Dark Core]... We finally have it. Surging energy...Containing a thousand years of essence.\n\n([113665|Ayesha] looks fascinated as she looks at the [206148|Inmakat's Dark Core]. There is still some delight in her expression as she looks back at you.)\n\nYou did very well. With it we can easily complete the...cleansing stone.
Sys422820_szquest_descLook for [113668|Inmakat] in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest], use the [206146|Lyoth Engraving] to get the [206148|Inmakat's Dark Core]. Next pour the [206149|Cleansing Bottle's] liquid on [113668|Inmakat]. Take the [206148|Inmakat's Dark Core] back to [113665|Ayesha].
Sys422820_szquest_uncomplete_detail[113668|Inmakat] is hiding in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest]. She may be hard to see due to her camouflaged colors.