result count: 20

SC_422823_1Leave it to me. You concentrate on merging!
SC_422823_10Look carefully at who your enemy is...! you have been deceived for too long...
SC_422823_12The attacked sent by [113633|Narfas] is trying to use lies to hide the truth, and spreading dissent to turn us against each other. You can't really believe what he said, right?
SC_422823_13I believe you. They shouldn't use such dirty tricks.
SC_422823_14[113670|Ayesha]...You...did you really keep me in the dark?
SC_422823_15Yes, she won't be complacent much longer. Just a few more steps and it will be complete. Then, she will reveal her ferocious face...
SC_422823_16So...even though we've been together this long, you still choose to believe [113633|Narfas]?\n\ the end, I've lost to her every time...
SC_422823_3No problem...
SC_422823_4The enemy is coming!
SC_422823_5Don't deceive any more innocent people, [113810|Tiyana]!
SC_422823_6What nonsense is this? My name is [113670|Ayesha].
SC_422823_7Did you set up those creatures on purpose?\nMade it so the cleansing power would kill them, so [113633|Narfas] blames herself.
SC_422823_8More than one person saw her brutal killing. You have been deceived by her acting.
SC_422823_9Adventurer! Has she told you the truth? Do you really know what she's planning?
Sys422823_nameProtecting Ayesha
Sys422823_szquest_accept_detailShe knew that you were luring her out, yet she just turned around and went back to [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb]...and she has people helping she has some other plan?\n\nJust like I used her blood to track her, she can use the cleansing energy that I left behind on those animals to find out where we are.\n\nYou've seen how cruel and cunning she is. We have to deal with her as soon as possible. She has helpers. The way we hurt her before...would only be half as effective now. We must accelerate my plan. We can't let any variables change.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], help me while I'm fusing items to protect myself, OK? We've already spent a long time preparing. Don't let it all turn to nothing. I don't know when she will send her helpers to obstruct us. We had better increase our vigilance.\n\nAfter I'm done, perhaps you can check out the preparations...
Sys422823_szquest_complete_detailOne stage of the fusing process is complete. This kind of sneak attack is just one step.
Sys422823_szquest_descProtect [113665|Ayesha] as she fuses items.
Sys422823_szquest_uncomplete_detailProtect me, I know you can do it.