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SC_422826_7[113673|Androth], come! Come see your subordinate from 1000 years ago.
SC_422826_8Paladin's Sword... Master?
SC_422826_9Do you still remember him? Your loyal subordinate?
Sys422826_nameLoyal William
Sys422826_szquest_accept_detailToday her soul is still immersed in darkness and unable to free itself. She lost the soul fragment that substituted for [113673|Androth]. I'm worried that in order to steal [113673|Androth's] past memories and items, she will look for [113628|William] to steal the Paladin's Sword which he guarded long ago, or use [113673|Androth's] memories to make a soul fragment.\n\n[113691|Tiyana] will do anything. She likes to use the weaknesses of humans to get everything she wants. As for [113628|William], she destroyed his will so she could get everything even easier.\n\nI don't want this kind of thing to happen. So doing this to [113628|William], who already has a thousand years of remorse and longing, is too cruel.\n\nI wasn't sure if I should tell him the truth or not, but once I thought about a sincere heart falling into the abyss, I hesitated. [$PLAYERNAME]... Will you...go forth and search for [113628|William] for me? Tell him about the danger that he may face and give him this [206187|Guardian Stone].
Sys422826_szquest_complete_detail[ZONE_DEMONSCAR|Demon's Scar]...\n\nIn the end, we were one step too late... Unable to save those souls drowning in pain and remorse, they finally fell apart and were lost to their heartbreak.\n\nNot long after, my energy weakened to the level it is at now. I can't even protect the things that I want to protect.\n\nSince God bestowed me with everlasting life, it seems I've lived too long... Too long...
Sys422826_szquest_desc[113633|Narfas] of [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb] wants you to bring the [206187|Guardian Stone] to [113628|William] in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] and talk to him.
Sys422826_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo to the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] and search for [113628|William] and explain to him the danger he may face and make him temporarily leave that place...

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