result count: 5

Sys422836_nameAncient Book from the Green Tower
Sys422836_szquest_accept_detailYou are...what's your name again? Sorry, I'm not good with names, but I remember your face! Ah, I had almost forgotten about that. The Eye of Wisdom doesn't have enough manpower here. Somebody needs to take a trip to the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]... Could you help out?\n\nThe [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] can be opened because we found a feasible way in [206383|Ancient Elven Book]. This book was given to us to research by the Elves of the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]. From my point of view, I would rather leave the book behind, but my superiors wouldn't allow that so we must bring the book back to the Elves.\n\nYou can see what a flurry I'm in. My superiors actually asked that I prepare some small gifts and bring them to the Elves along with the ancient book.\n\nHmm... Adventurer, could you find some ingredients to make a balm with for me? We need [206364|Cloudbell Rose Petal] and [206363|Wild Bittersweet Taro] tubers. They grow near the [ZONE_KILANCHE FUNGUS FOREST|Kilanche Fungus Forest]. Please bring some back for me.
Sys422836_szquest_complete_detailThe final step in making the balm is to mix in powdered [<S>206364|Cloudbell Rose Petals] and juice extracted from a [206363|Wild Bittersweet Taro] root. This will make the balm retain its scent for a long time...\n\n\nAh! These materials are quite fresh. We'll certainly be able to make some excellent quality [206365|Fendt Balm] with these.
Sys422836_szquest_descAccept [113943|Yell Fendt's] request. Collect some [<S>206364|Cloudbell Rose Petals] and [206363|Wild Bittersweet Taro] for him.
Sys422836_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou say you want to give a gift but you just want to get the balm made by our family for cheaper!\n\nBut, this special balm made by the Fendt family is the only thing we could really send.