result count: 6

SC_422982_0Hurry up and help! The Lionheart Knights have found us!
Sys422982_szquest_accept_detailOK, in order to prevent the Mallen Brothers Gang from laughing until they get facial cramps, we have to act now... Yes, [$playername], when you have sufficient evidence, go to the abandoned district with [114598|Weily Loith] and smash the Mallen Brothers Gang forces within the city.\n\nThat's right, just you and [114598|Weily Loith].\n\nBecause...I fear I must first tell you something regretful. After [114543|Simpson Taylor] visited the heavily injured [114530|Nigula Hura], he decided to quit and return to being a normal person.\n\nSo...for this mission, it is best if you two can watch out for each other.
Sys422982_szquest_complete_detailIt's great that you were able to return safely. It seems that after the "delight," this matter had a wonderful conclusion.
Sys422982_szquest_descAccording to [114512|John Hoffman's] intelligence on the [207012|Mallen Bandit City Base], launch a strike on the Mallen Brothers Gang in [ZONE_DAELANIS_WASTE_DISTRICT|Abandoned District of Dalanis].
Sys422982_szquest_uncomplete_detailAs for the [207012|Mallen Bandit City Base], perhaps I can elaborate on a few of my hints. You can find the correct position on that drawing.