result count: 7

SC_422983_0Lieutenant commander, for this activity, it is actually...
SC_422983_1You don't need to elaborate any more. I've heard [114512|John Hoffman's] report on the whole process!\n\nJohn said that as soon as you became aware of the situation you didn't feel right about it and you discovered some clues before he did. Even when the situation became dangerous, you weren't scared in the slightest and made the decision to attack, allowing the Lionheart Knights to easily capture the original troublemaker and smash Mallen Brothers Gang's base in the city.\n\nI have to say did great! You've far surpassed the abilities of a knight in training.
Sys422983_nameAppreciation of the Lionheart Knights
Sys422983_szquest_accept_detailI have some news to give you. It's not bad but it's not great either....\n\nOK...It's like this, news of our great training program has gotten back to the Lionheart Knights. The lieutenant commander, [114511|"Iron Rose" Iswan], asked if it was something I personally "designed." I am a modest man and do not take credit as a virtue. However, I spoke a few good words of you....I told her especially of your ability to make "personal" accurate judgments, so this time you can decide for yourself. It won't be me giving you the orders. She wants you to defeat the Mallen Brothers Gang. They have a powerful base within the city... Also she would like to have the opportunity to meet with you...
Sys422983_szquest_complete_detailYou are the most outstanding knight in training I have seen this year. I know [114509|Kai Kaiyinth] is extremely proud of your performance!\n\nMore importantly, [114367|General Lance] has heard of your great feats and is truly interested in you, thus he has given me the honor to immediately promote you to the rank of a "squire"!\n\nCongratulations! Getting [114367|General Lance's] praise is really not an easy thing to do, you should be proud of yourself.
Sys422983_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_DAELANIS_PALACE|Dalanis Grand Palace] and report to [114368|"Iron Rose" Iswan] for duty.
Sys422983_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you not knight in training [$PLAYERNAME]? The recruit that Captain [114534|John Hoffman] has been talking of?