result count: 11

SC_423035_1I pledge my aid and assistance to you, but you must first tell me absolutely everything in detail.
SC_423035_2I don't agree with your reasoning. Let me first report back to the Lionheart Knights, so that I might shed some light on this dark state of affairs.
SC_423035_3Details? Where to start... Is this all down to carelessness on the part of the Lionheart Knights? Or will the blame fall on the very existence of this group of robbers and bandits?\n\nIf not for the carelessness of the Lionheart Knights, in particular their leisurely pace in coming here to protect the people, we villagers might not have suffered so. Time after time, we experience devastation at the hands of bandits, with their persistent surprise attacks that strike at our very core. That is to say nothing of the quarrels between [114367|General Lance] and [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] which have truly cast us into the depths of hell. \n\nIndeed, after [114367|General Lance] defeated the knights of [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano], we enjoyed a period of time that could be considered comfortable. We never thought that this comfort would come at a massive price. [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano's] military rank-and-file eventually came again. This time they weren't interested in plundering, but instead made incessant demands, requiring us to pay a tribute which was two times what our harvest was. They consumed while we watched, unable to resist. Before, they still had a healthy fear of the Lionheart Knights, and would make sure we couldn't get word of our oppression out. But now... One after another, the villagers pass away into dust. We cannot endure it anymore...
SC_423035_4You, Get outta here! We thought you were different from all the others. \n\nHmph... I always knew that the Lionheart Knights were not to be depended on. How many decades does it take to report back? In the end, it will take only a lack of manpower as an excuse to cheat us out of protection. You simply don't give a toss about our lives. That's the long and short of it.
SC_423035_5Assist them. Smoke out that band of thugs, and then you'll be able to obtain valuable information.
SC_423035_6I will assist you from the sidelines.
Sys423035_nameLife is Hard
Sys423035_szquest_accept_detailThose villains, this is completely different than what we said before. We clearly discussed the conditions. For the peace of the village, we continuously provide them with supplies, isn't that enough?\n\nThis garbage... this garbage, there can be no forgiveness...\n\n([114452|Lafati Kuhio] looks at you with anger.)\n\nIs what my daughter just said true? You drove those villains away?\n\n([114452|Lafati Kuhio] gazes at you again, pauses for a long moment, then kneels before you.)\n\nPlease help my village! We can't live like this... I beg you to help us.
Sys423035_szquest_complete_detailThere's simply no justice in this world... We didn't do anything wrong, but we've suffered such hardship.\n\nNow we can only rely on ourselves to banish those villains.
Sys423035_szquest_descRespond to the request of [114452|Lafati Kuhio] from [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor].
Sys423035_szquest_uncomplete_detailHelp us... Help us...