result count: 8

SC_423240_1Planting successful
SC_423240_2Planting failed
Sys423240_nameForever Growing
Sys423240_szquest_accept_detailJust because I am a woodcutter does not mean I don't care for the environment. Who said woodcutters are just like environmental murderers? That just isn't reasonable.\n\nLook, here are some [<S>207196|Saplings], all of them I grew myself. Originally I wanted to plant them personally, however, because recently there has been a felling of more trees, so of course more must be planted. I cannot do this on my own, perhaps you can help?\n\nFind [<S>115043|Soft Mounds] and start planting them. Careful though, too much moisture could be detrimental to the growth of the seedlings. After planting, wait a little and observe the saplings grow, if they wither you can come back here to get more seedlings.
Sys423240_szquest_complete_detailOn behalf of the green environmental group, I thank you for your help.
Sys423240_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_GREY_MIST_GROVE|Misty Grove] and find [<S>115043|Soft Mounds], plant [<S>207196|Saplings] and observe the saplings grow.
Sys423240_szquest_uncomplete_detailPredecessors plant trees so that their descendants can ... chop them down.