result count: 8

SC_423470_0I've already placed the anesthetic.
SC_423470_1Oh! Not bad. Up next is the debut of the great [115603|Rh'anka]...
SC_423470_2You have to keep up with me. I still need you!
Sys423470_nameWho's Lying?
Sys423470_szquest_accept_detailHe wanted you to put anesthetic in our water, right?\n\nThe intention is clear. It must be related to stealing our goods.\n\nJust act according to their plan. We'll pretend to be unconscious on the ground, and you call the Rh'anka who sent you over.\n\nThen, you can see the truth for yourself. See which of us is lying.
Sys423470_szquest_complete_detail([116154|Pepenko Bugeye] secretly laughs, and doesn't seem to notice you.)\n\nHeh heh...I really appreciate people like [115603|Rh'anka]...\n\nDid the pitiful [115600|Limon] ever dream that they would be looted one day too?\n\nHeh heh...heh heh...
Sys423470_szquest_descFollow the plan [116155|Kaleed Whitefang] laid out. Call [116162|Pepenko Bugeye] to the camp, and observe the two sides.
Sys423470_szquest_uncomplete_detailKind-hearted outsider...\n\nDid you put the anesthetic in their drinking water?