result count: 13

SC_423491_0Let [116183|Loub Ayekin] drink the [208100|Eagle Tear].
SC_423491_1It's a strange feeling...what kind of water is this?
SC_423491_2What is this? Water? I'm not thirsty right now so I don't want to drink it. Do you want to drink it first?
SC_423491_3([116183|Loub Ayekin] continues murmuring. Perhaps you should get 5 [<S>208100|Eagle Tears] and give them to [116183|Loub Ayekin] to drink.)
SC_423491_4Whew, calmed down at last. No more strange sounds.
SC_423491_5[116191|Morrok Wallinder]! Sister, is she ok?
SC_423491_6The situation doesn't look good! I came to take you to see her, and to find some way to cure her.
SC_423491_7Maybe I can cure her! I've lived this long, is there anything I haven't seen? Take us to her quickly!
Sys423491_nameAncient Adage
Sys423491_szquest_accept_detailI know the situation is urgent and [115892|Jill] has suffered serious injuries, but everyone can't all look so solemn. It makes me uncomfortable.\n\nHey, [$PLAYERNAME]. If you have any sympathy at all for that little guy crying over there, why don't you go get some tears from a [104071|Wind Eagle]?\n\nThere's an old adage that says "The tears of an eagle are calming." I've never had a chance to verify it, but now's the perfect time. Go get some [<S>208100|Eagle Tears] for him and try it out, ok?\n\nI don't want to be yelled at by his sister if his stretched out face develops strange lines!
Sys423491_szquest_complete_detailI heard we're going together. You should get prepared!\n\nIf you waste time I'll hit somebody!
Sys423491_szquest_desc[116182|Kargath Duran] wants you to get 5 [<S>208100|Eagle Tears] from nearby [<S>104071|Wind Eagles] and give them to [116183|Loub Ayekin] to drink.
Sys423491_szquest_uncomplete_detailYes...hurry and get 5 [<S>208100|Eagle Tears] for [116183|Loub Ayekin] to drink. I can't stand that dog-like whining sound...