result count: 12

SC_423531_0(Give him 50 gold)
SC_423531_1Now that you've paid, it'll be easy to get what you want!
SC_423531_3(Ignore him)
SC_423531_4Go! But the thing you want won't be easy to extract.
SC_423531_5Where is [116310|Silent Spirit Grass]?
SC_423531_6No money, no answer, friend.
SC_423531_7You don't have 50 gold. Prepare enough, then come find "[116229|Dog Blocking the Road]" again.
Sys423531_namePay For Use Rules
Sys423531_szquest_accept_detailYes, look carefully. This land you see before you passed down from my grandfather to my father, then from my father to me.\n\nI can let you pass and do whatever you want over there. I can even teach you a little about how to identify [<S>116317|Silent Spirit Grass]. You just have to...heh generous. Open that wallet on your belt and give me some gold...
Sys423531_szquest_complete_detailHave you seen my [116308|Meow Meow]? My darling [116308|Meow Meow] must miss mama. Mama misses baby [116308|Meow Meow]...
Sys423531_szquest_desc[116229|Dog Blocking the Road] blocks your path, determined that you should pay. Talk with him.\nCollection not going well? Perhaps [116229|Dog Blocking the Road] can help.
Sys423531_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you don't find [116308|Meow Meow] I'll sit here and cry. I'll cry so loud everyone can hear and they'll all know how you bullied this old lady. Quickly, quickly go find my kitty, and give me the [116317|Silent Spirit Grass] seeds.