result count: 7

SC_423533_0Heh heh heh...[116308|Meow Meow] has come back, mama is so happy!
SC_423533_OPENLight [208140|Bag of Silent Spirit Grass Seed]
Sys423533_nameGood Kitty Come Back Soon
Sys423533_szquest_accept_detailThere's [208138|Silent Spirit Grass Seed], so [116308|Meow Meow] will come back soon...wait, you have to help me roast this bag of [208138|Silent Spirit Grass Seed] so [116308|Meow Meow] will come back.\n\n[116308|Meow Meow] has been gone so long, has he run into some terrible Iron Teeth soldiers? Oh no! Those solders want to catch him and eat him for a [116308|Meow Meow], run! Don't get caught! Ok, ok [116308|Meow Meow] runs fast. He's really agile. He got away quickly. I was scared...[116308|Meow Meow] must have gotten lost while running for his life...\n\nQuickly! Light the bag on fire! When [116308|Meow Meow] smells the burning [208138|Silent Spirit Grass Seed] he'll come back right away. Quickly!
Sys423533_szquest_complete_detail[116308|Meow Meow], mama missed you so much, let me kiss you, hmma! Hmma! Mama will take you to eat some delicious food...
Sys423533_szquest_descLight the [208140|Bag of Silent Spirit Grass Seed] and wait for the [116228|Limon Granny's] cat, [116308|Meow Meow] to come back.
Sys423533_szquest_uncomplete_detailHurry and cook it!