result count: 7

SC_423569_1Seems [116220|Skarbar Sharpclaw] is nearby. Stay on guard.
SC_423569_2We'll set a trap here. Hide and we should be able to lure [116220|Skarbar Sharpclaw] out.
SC_423569_3I'm the ruler of the [<S>115631|Limon]...How could I die by your hands?
Sys423569_nameShoot to Kill
Sys423569_szquest_accept_detailI don't dare think what will happen if we let [116218|Skarbar] escape.\n\nFor [116267|Firefly's] sake please go kill [116218|Skarbar] and eliminate the potential [115631|Limon] threat.\n\nDon't worry. [116218|Skarbar] was seriously injured by [116217|Drake]. His power is much weaker than before. You should be able to beat him on your own, but be careful.\n\nHe shouldn't have been able to get far due to his injuries. Head up towards the military camp. If he isn't hiding in the camp, he may have gone into the mountain pass.
Sys423569_szquest_complete_detailThank you and your King for everything you have done for [115631|Limon]. Although the present situation will prevent me from continuing to pursue [116268|Annelia] with you, if you really need it, my clan's people will help you as best they can.
Sys423569_szquest_desc[115594|Toni] want you to go to [ZONE_TUCOOK_MOUNTAIN_PASS|Tukork Pass], find [116218|Skarbar] and kill him. Return to [115631|Limon] and report back to [116267|Firefly] when you're done.