result count: 12

SC_423593_1When will the circus performance start?
SC_423593_2...\n\n(You look closely into the eyes of the performer and realize they're empty)
SC_423593_3Can I have your autograph?
SC_423593_4...\n\n(The performer doesn't seem to here you or even acknowledge your existence)
SC_423593_5Excuse me?
SC_423593_6...\n\n(You notice that the performer isn't breathing, but is strangely still able to move.)
SC_423593_7I lost my disguise...
Sys423593_nameInfiltrate the Circus
Sys423593_szquest_accept_detailJust now [115751|Kargath Duran] went out on his own while I wasn't paying attention. I saw him heading towards the backstage area. I have to stop him before we're all revealed.\n\nI need you to help investigate the circus performers. Whether or not you find out anything, at least you can distract their attention.\n\nWe'll start when you do. When your investigation is finished, sneak backstage and find the human king and I.\n\nYou may need some special props. Look around the circus and see if there's any cloth you can use to disguise yourself.
Sys423593_szquest_complete_detailYou seem to have found something not right.\n\nThe performers here all appear to be zombies. They're cold, with empty eyes, and not a trace of emotion.\n\nThat's right. These people show no signs of life, just like those soulless warriors we've encountered before.
Sys423593_szquest_descAfter speaking with the circus performers, use the disguise and sneak backstage to find [116503|Morrok Wallinder].
Sys423593_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat did you find out from the circus performers?