result count: 5

Sys423732_nameNot Too Late to Fix Mistakes
Sys423732_szquest_accept_detailKind adventurer, these [<S>104724|Silent Scream Dread Wolves] are still running off with the merchant's stuff! Could you again help me look for merchandise lying around outside?\n\nIf it were retrieved, at least the hole in our pockets won't be torn open this wide!
Sys423732_szquest_complete_detailThat's right, this is the stuff! But this is not the only merchandise that was carried off...\r\n\r\nHey, please don't look at me like that anymore! This honest merchant won't casually suspect you. I'm definitely not saying you are hiding goods from me!
Sys423732_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>208545|Scattered Goods] around the [ZONE_QUIET_HOWL_PLAINS|Plains of Silent Screams] and returned them to merchant [117017|Sisiru Birdtongue] at the besieged caravan.
Sys423732_szquest_uncomplete_detailRegardless, if the merchandise were retrieved, at least the hole in our pockets wouldn't be torn open this wide!