result count: 5

Sys423798_nameA Wolf's Gift
Sys423798_szquest_accept_detailThis wolf was carrying a chunk of Gazelle Meat when it came here. My guess is that the meat is a gift from the wolf to show its gratitude to us. \n\nPlease take this meat to that friendly Elf. He cares about the wolf cub as well. Of course he should receive a portion of the gift. Also, you should tell him the finally result of what we've done. You can take care of both of these things.
Sys423798_szquest_complete_detailSo that's what happened. Although we can't be sure that similar things won't keep happening in the future, I hope that those people learned their lesson from this. \n\nI will accept the gift. Thank you friend. May the Holy King bless you.
Sys423798_szquest_descTake the [209156|Wolf's Return Gift] and give it to [117398|Sheorwest], then tell him how things turned out.
Sys423798_szquest_uncomplete_detailFriend, what is the situation with those poachers?