result count: 7

SC_423845_0Hello, I hear you can exchange 10 [<S>209475|Giant Wasteland Predator Organs] for 10 pieces of [201753|Holly Timber].
SC_423845_1Ah, right. Don't ask me what I need these [<S>105176|Burrow Food Plunderers] for. If you want to trade them for [201753|Holly Timber], it's better if you don't ask any questions. Curiosity should be used in the right place. I'm just an old carpenter without an interesting past. Just take the stuff and go.
Sys423845_nameJoining the Delivery Team
Sys423845_szquest_accept_detailWe just got reports that another set of supplies has been seized, and many of our brothers suffered grave wounds. There haven't been enough people on the supplies to begin with, and now... a bad situation just got worse!\n\nWe can't just stand around talking about it. We can't have our supply route cut.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], join the delivery team and help Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild overcome these difficulties. If you are willing, start with 10 pieces of [201753|Holly Timber] used for making arrows.
Sys423845_szquest_complete_detailThe stolen supplies include a large stack of arrows. It's a good thing we Adventurers are skilled, with many in number. We have arrows made by our own hands, and weapons of the same high quality.
Sys423845_szquest_descBring 10 pieces of [201753|Holly Timber] to [117340|Kelly Osa]. You can either make them yourself, purchase them at the auction house, or exchange 10 [<S>209475|Giant Wasteland Predator Organs] with the old carpenter [117652|Midee Libillis].
Sys423845_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou can make them yourself or buy them from the auction house. Or, you can kill 10 [<S>105176|Burrow Food Plunderers] and exchange 10 [<S>209475|Giant Wasteland Predator Organs] with the old carpenter for 10 pieces of [201753|Holly Timber].