result count: 12

SC_423900_01You say Chadis sent you? He wants to reconcile?\n\nIt's so embarrassing. Just an argument between brothers, and he brings an outsider into it.\n\nDamn, I'm angry just talking about him!\n\nYou know what?! This kid actually said he wants to stay in Camp Heffner and not continue on. I think he's scared! And he calls himself an adventurer? He's shamed the Silvershadow Adventurers!
SC_423900_02Why do you say he's scared?
SC_423900_03Actually, when we first arrived on Frost Island a few days ago, Captain Heffner told us about the situation in the camp, and asked us to carefully consider where we'd like to help out.\n\nWe originally thought that Heffner Camp would be the most dangerous, with the constant pirate attacks. It turns out the opposite is true. I've heard that the more forward camps have heavier casualties. Fanger's Camp, Jinners Camp, and Issac Camp are always suffering major disasters.\n\nDon't you think that a critical time like this is precisely when we should go support them? But when I said I wanted to go to Issac Camp, that kid said he wanted to stay! If he's not afraid, then why retreat?\n\nWe originally planned to fight together and become great adventurers remembered by history, but now that dream will never happen!
SC_423900_04Can you tell me what happened in the other camps?
SC_423900_05I think you should calmly listen to your brother's explanation.
SC_423900_06Captain Heffner didn't tell you? It's a good thing I have notes.\n\nI think you already know what camps the Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild has established on Frost Island, right? If not, you can check your map.\n\nLet me it!\n\n"Starting from Heffner, you'll first reach the Lyonsyde Tribe. Deputy Captain Yngmur is stationed there. The tribe is friendly to adventurers, but there are a lot of snakes near the village. Be careful.\n\nDeputy Captain Fanger's camp is near Icefrost City. Initial developments went smoothly, but then sub-humans attacked and the camp retreated. The sub-human threat has not been eliminated. Be careful.\n\nContinuing forward through Faded Splendor is Captain Isaac's camp. The Captain is very busy monitoring the actions of other camps, so he's not often in camp.\n\nDeputy Captain Jinners' camp is through Wailing Forest. The forest is full of unknown dangers, so while the area is seriously short of manpower, it's not recommended for inexperienced adventurers to be sent to their deaths here. Be extremely cautious in this area."\n\nIn addition to we Silvershadow Adventurers, the Heart of Nature, Ailic's Community, and the Eye of Wisdom all have strongholds on the island.\n\nI don't know much about them. I'm too busy trying to correct this kid's point of view. If you're interested, you can go meet them yourself.
SC_423900_07Explanation? What explanation can there be for cowardice? Look! He sent an outsider to help resolve a fight between brothers!\n\nI've given up on him and decided to go to the front lines on my own. Unless he wants to meet me there, I won't forgive him!
Sys423900_nameDifferences Between Brothers
Sys423900_szquest_accept_detailExcuse me, but are you also a Silvershadow Adventurer? Can I ask you to help me with something?\n\nMy brother, [117375|Tadis], and I recently had an argument over differences of opinion. He's so mad he won't listen to me anymore, but maybe if someone else can mediate, maybe it would improve the situation.\n\nPlease, my brother will leave for another camp soon, and I want to reconcile with him before he leaves.
Sys423900_szquest_complete_detailMy brother thinks I want to stay here in safety because I'm scared, but that's absolutely not the case.\n\nAs you must have seen, the pirates may not be as serious a threat as sub-humans, but they're not an enemy to be underestimated.\n\nCamp Heffner is the island's connection to the outside world, and the entry and exit point for goods and people. I want to stay here to ensure the steady supply of all kinds of resources.\n\nAlso...I hope I can help Deputy Captain [117288|Nala Heffner] a little more.\n\nEven though my brother doesn't understand me, thank you for your help.
Sys423900_szquest_descHelp [117374|Chadis] persuade [117375|Tadis].
Sys423900_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf I can't reconcile with my brother before he leaves, I'm afraid I'll regret it.