result count: 5

Sys423901_nameUnforgotten Agreement
Sys423901_szquest_accept_detailThere's not much time before my brother leaves [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp].\n\nAlthough my brother refuses to forgive me, I still want to give him a blessing before he leaves. I've seen people carve names or blessings onto animal claws or fangs before to bring blessings to those going on long journeys. I found it very moving, so I made one for him.\n\nI want my brother to know that I haven't forgotten the pact that we made, but that our paths may be different. But if he sees me, he'll be so angry he won't accept anything.\n\nI'm sorry...I'm afraid I have to ask for your help again.
Sys423901_szquest_complete_detailWhat? The kid still remembers our agreement?\n\nOk, then I'll take this thing.\n\nBut I still won't say goodbye to him.\n\nThe next time I see him will be when we achieve our dream.
Sys423901_szquest_descHelp [117374|Chadis] deliver the blessing accessory to [117375|Tadis].
Sys423901_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou again? What did [117374|Chadis] send you to say this time?