result count: 5

Sys423979_nameA Lyonsyde Youth
Sys423979_szquest_accept_detailSigh...Something like this has happened to the tribe and there is nothing I can do to help the situation. What is it that I can do to help everybody? \n(You see a young man speaking to himself in a very frustrated manner.) \n\nHuh? You are...? Oh you're one of those guys from outside. If there's nothing you want, can you go somewhere else? Don't stand here bothering me. \n\nI look frustrated? Even if I was frustrated, it's not any business of you outsiders. \n\n...Ok, if you have nothing else to do, you can help me and go to the [ZONE_BASILLI_SWAMP|Basilisk Swamp] and bring back 10 [<S>209216|Marsh Boa Eggs].
Sys423979_szquest_complete_detailOh? You really brought them back for us. \n\nThat's right. These [<S>209216|Marsh Boa Eggs] are high quality at a decent price. It looks like you really do intend to help us. But, even I can't...\n\n(The young man lowers his head mid-sentence.)
Sys423979_szquest_descPlease go to [ZONE_BASILLI_SWAMP|Basilisk Swamp] and obtain 10 [<S>209216|Marsh Boa Eggs] and give them to [117693|Maluke] to earn his trust.
Sys423979_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou might be able to find [<S>117695|Marsh Boa Eggs] in [ZONE_BASILLI_SWAMP|Basilisk Swamp] near the tribe. Go and have a look.