result count: 4

Sys424029_nameDeep into Enemy Territory
Sys424029_szquest_accept_detailIf [119864|Maderoth] is really planning on this, the situation is not going to go in our favor. The true dragons are not supporting us against the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] and if [119864|Maderoth] allies with the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech], we will not be able to keep this defense line, and we are going to lose this battle! I can't let it happen!\n\nFortunately, our command center has foreseen this. I heard that they have sent a troop of men who have special battle abilities into the territory of the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]. I have no direct contact with them, but I have to let them know about the current situation. I will report this to the command center, but I also need someone to go into the territory of the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] and inform the Veiled Encampment Commander [120578|Myan Kellas].\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], the alliance needs your assistance. I know this mission is very dangerous, but I believe only you can complete it successfully.
Sys424029_szquest_complete_detail[120492|Pete Maik] is right. [119864|Maderoth] is targeting the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]. We were already aware of this. This doesn't mean you made the trip for nothing. Actually, our situation here is not looking good. Help from a brave warrior such as yourself would give the soldiers of this camp just the boost they need.
Sys424029_szquest_descFind the location of the [ZONE_VESTIGE_VEIL|Veiled Encampment] and speak with the person in charge, [120578|Myan Kellas].