result count: 6

SC_424063_01You must get close to Bruce Len in order to load the merchandise!
Sys424063_nameSafe Arrival
Sys424063_szquest_accept_detailMy friend, sorry to trouble you! Take these minerals to [ZONE_STATIC_LATHROFEA|Static Lathrofea] and give them to a [SC_ZONE13_01|Phirius Merchant] called [117791|Sonny White]. I can't wait to see the look on her face. Haha! \n\nHelp me load up the merchandise on the wagon and you can set out. If you run too far, we can't load the goods! \n\nBut as a friend, I want to give you some advice. Recently, the road to [ZONE_STATIC_LATHROFEA|Static Lathrofea] has been rough. Many adventurers who dare not go forward have banded together and are robbing people on the road. I know you have extraordinary skills, but there is no guarantee that you will make it through unharmed. Good luck to you, my friend!
Sys424063_szquest_complete_detailThis... This is [117749|Garnet Ore]!? (Her jaw drops)\n\nI can't believe it!! I thought that [117723|Bruce Len] was just dreaming. I never thought... I must apologize to him...\n\n([117791|Sonny White] mutters to herself...) I can't let [117723|Bruce Len] have this all to himself!
Sys424063_szquest_descSafely transport the ore to [117791|Sonny White] outside [ZONE_STATIC_LATHROFEA|Static Lathrofea].
Sys424063_szquest_uncomplete_detailHonestly! Can't you see that I'm busy?! If the guild suffers any losses, will you be able to compensate for them?! If there's something you want, tell me what it is! Don't bother me otherwise!