result count: 9

SC_424135_001I want to get the [209415|Medical Supplies] for [ZONE_JINNERS_CAMP|Jinners Camp]
SC_424135_002Took medical supplies
SC_424135_01Do you need anything?
SC_424135_02So you're [$playername]? You're so slow. I was worried to death, thinking Tilheim didn't tell you about the [209415|Medical Supplies] delivery. Quickly, take these [<S>209415|Medical Supplies]. [ZONE_WAILING_FOREST|Wailing Forest] is very dangerous. You're skilled, so please take good care of them!
Sys424135_nameForward the Intelligence
Sys424135_szquest_accept_detailSo...there's more than one demon, right? Who knows what evil conspiracy they're secretly planning...\n\n[$playername], I hope that you can quickly go to the forward camps and deliver this information to the Deputy Captain. However, before you pass through [ZONE_WAILING_FOREST|Wailing Forest], remember to get the [209415|Medical Supplies] from [117942|Lidya Passo] and deliver them to Jinners Camp.
Sys424135_szquest_complete_detailGreat! We have a lot of wounded soldiers here, and are in desperate need of these [<S>209415|Medical Supplies]!
Sys424135_szquest_descDeliver the demon-related intelligence and [209415|Medical Supplies] to [117678|Dirk Tiss] in [ZONE_JINNERS_CAMP|Jinners Camp].
Sys424135_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis camp has encountered too many difficulties. With so many injured soldiers, our supplies are running short.