result count: 4

Sys424139_nameBenji Dittle's Notes
Sys424139_szquest_accept_detailThere's no other way. In order to move more easily, I had to leave behind my backpack!\n\nWhy do you look so unhappy?\n\nActually, while I've been observing the harpies, something important seems to have happened, but it was difficult to record...\n\nTake this. I trust your adventure team will need it. I want to continue to explore nearby.\n\nOh! Please tell the old man I'll be back in two days!
Sys424139_szquest_complete_detailHuh? What important thing happened? Let me see...
Sys424139_szquest_descGive [209405|Benji Dittle's Notes] to Deputy Captain [117678|Dirk Tiss].