result count: 5

Sys424143_nameNext Phase of Support
Sys424143_szquest_accept_detailYes! It seems the harpy's plan has been the team can recover from their injuries. This is all thanks to your help...\n\nJust now I received word that Deputy Captain [117823|Alexi] is sending reinforcements to the camp, and wants a team member to report back to him in person! I want you to go to Delintas Camp to confirm the situation. I'll send someone else to take care of the materials shipment.\n\nGo as soon as you're ready!
Sys424143_szquest_complete_detail....Ah? [117678|Dirk Tiss] asked you to bring this to me?
Sys424143_szquest_descGo to Delintas Camp and report to Deputy Captain [117823|Alexi].
Sys424143_szquest_uncomplete_detailCompared to the past, this supply order is abnormally large...perhaps the captain is preparing for a large-scale operation...