result count: 5

Sys424145_nameStrict Deputy Captain
Sys424145_szquest_accept_detailI believe that military style administration is the most suitable for this place, don't you?\n\nIf the enemy were to swoop in here while our forces are concentrated at the front lines, the consequences would be unimaginable...\n\nTherefore, I require all injured team members who are still able to move to participate in the assigned work. It may seem strict, but at least we can maintain a combat force!\n\nWhat? You want to see the work conditions? Then join in yourself!
Sys424145_szquest_complete_detailSo? You should be more closely acquainted with the team members now!\n\nI'm sure they all have their complaints, but they must go on for the greater good!\n\nAs long as the safety of the camp is ensured, I trust they will understand.
Sys424145_szquest_descLearn about the working conditions of the team members in the camp and participate personally.
Sys424145_szquest_uncomplete_detailHa ha! Are you tired? Get some rest, then continue!