result count: 5

Sys424164_nameRetrieve the Loot
Sys424164_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], wouldn't it be great if every adventurer was as honest and sincere as you? \n\nThose [<S>105421|Scumbag Adventurers]. They haven't done one good thing since they came to this island. You know that some strange things have been happening recently. Demons appearing again know, those things that can't be talked about too loudly. The last thing the guild wants to see is adventurers causing trouble during these times where nothing is as it seems. \n\nThe guild has its own way of dealing with them, but there's another matter that requires your assistance. These guys have stolen quite a lot. Some of the victims have fallen on tough times because of it... I need you to bring back the [<S>209458|Stolen Goods] that they obtained unlawfully. It's important!
Sys424164_szquest_complete_detailAs expected, entrusting you with this task was the right decision. Next is my job. I must inspect these [<S>209458|Stolen Goods] to see if there is anything that is urgently needed by the mages or researchers...
Sys424164_szquest_descBring back 5 [<S>209458|Stolen Goods] and report to [118059|Jener Tubiji] for payment.
Sys424164_szquest_uncomplete_detailYour name is on everyone's lips. Well done.