result count: 6

Sys424176_nameThe Elves' Defenses
Sys424176_szquest_accept_detailThere aren't enough people to defend the area here, so we must rely on the [<S>118193|Protector Vines] offered by the Fellowship of the Holy Stone. [<S>118193|Protector Vines] send out a warning when the enemy gets close. They are then controlled by members of the Fellowship of the Holy Stone to stop attacks by immobilizing would-be attackers. \n\nThese mysterious plants need to be carefully looked after. You look like a person with special qualities, are you interested in looking after them? Come, this is the [209449|Lush Spirit Water]. It is specially used to water the [<S>118193|Protector Vines]. Each vine only needs one ladle of [209449|Lush Spirit Water].
Sys424176_szquest_complete_detailThank you. Not only are we short on people for defense, we don't have anyone to take care of the cultivating. It's a good thing you took care of this for us. Thanks again.
Sys424176_szquest_descTake the [209449|Lush Spirit Water] and water 5 [<S>118193|Protector Vines], then bring back the [<S>209459|Empty Bottles] to [118070|Fiona Andus].
Sys424176_szquest_uncomplete_detailWas there enough [209449|Lush Spirit Water]? I should have given you enough.