result count: 4

Sys424239_nameGo to the Lipuden Valley and investigate
Sys424239_szquest_accept_detailI see. You went to [118546|Naymal] and learned that I was here. I was just fretting about whether or not I should go and find some people to send to help her clean up the pollution and some of the creatures. You did me a great favor. \n\nNow I can concentrate on defending the village. The number of [<S>105594|Nightmares] has been becoming greater and greater in the last few days and they are all heading towards the village. We're spending all our time defending against them. Ehh, I don't know if the creatures are getting tired out or not. \n\n... Yes. I don't know if I can ask you a favor. Can you go to [ZONE_LYPDEN_VALLEY|Lipuden Valley] and find out where those [<S>105594|Nightmares] are coming from? If you can't figure it out you can still find out what's polluting the river. \n\nYou can cross the bridge at the west of the village to get to [ZONE_LYPDEN_VALLEY|Lipuden Valley]. There are several people fighting these monsters there. Amongst them there is someone called [118291|Orlando Cassidy]. You can just tell him that I sent you to find him.
Sys424239_szquest_complete_detailI am [118291|Orlando Cassidy]. But, who are you? I don't remember ever seeing you in the village?
Sys424239_szquest_descGo to [118291|Orlando Cassidy] in [ZONE_LYPDEN_VALLEY|Lipuden Valley] and ask for details about the situation.