result count: 5

Sys424240_nameThe Source of the Pollution and Monsters
Sys424240_szquest_accept_detailOh, so [118289|Ammator Pellts] asked an outsider to help? I never thought that that stone-headed fool would seek out the help of an outsider. It seems that he must be desperate. No matter, I will first give you an idea of the situation here. \n\nOriginally there weren't a lot of these [<S>105594|Nightmares] and we rarely saw them, maybe once a week, if that. The first time someone saw one, everyone thought he was just a drunk who was acting out. But now... You can see the reality. If you still think it's an illusion you're just kidding yourself. \n\nI think that's enough chitchat. Since [118289|Ammator Pellts] asked you to help, I will forgo the pleasantries and ask you to enter [ZONE_LYPDEN_VALLEY|Lipuden Valley] to see if there is anything strange happening there. I'm wondering if near that waterfall... Ah, maybe you don't know the place. Anyway, you just need to follow that path that doesn't look much like a path and make your way into the deepest part of the valley and you should be able to find a waterfall. Next to it, there is an abandoned building. <CR>Look around and inside that building</CR>.
Sys424240_szquest_complete_detailSo that building was previously used for strange experiments and that is where the pollution is coming from? \n\nYes, that area of land belongs to the lord. In general, one must obtain his permission to get in there. How could it be... Ah, take these files to [118542|Pellts] and discuss them with him. See if he wants to ask the stubborn old man in my family. It's better if I stand guard here and prevent the [<S>105594|Nightmares] from charging into the village.
Sys424240_szquest_descInvestigate the abandoned building deep within the valley to see if there are any clues there.
Sys424240_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? You haven't found any clues yet?