result count: 12

SC_424243_00You found [$VAR2] in this [$VAR1].
SC_424243_02You can't find any more documents that you can understand in this pile.
SC_424243_03Morrok's voice comes from upstairs.
SC_424243_DATA01Even though this isn't the first time, I'd still like to leave a message: \n\nPlease don't leave materials on the floor. The person cleaning up is working hard enough as it is! It's not that difficult to put the materials on the table or in a cabinet! Also, whose tortoise is that? Hurry and take it back. Stop letting it crawl all over the documents in the laboratory! \n\n(The remainder of the paper was eaten by moths and can't be read. The signature seems to be from the Lead Issac Researcher.
SC_424243_DATA02Laboratory Record No. 374 Section 3: \n\nSince there is not enough Wyrm meat, we must gather other different types of meat to get by. If this keeps up for very long, this experiment will most likely fail... \n\n(A section in the middle has been smeared and can't be deciphered.)\n\n... I would like to ask the Lead Researcher to come visit the Sardo Castle. Furthermore, I don't know if I'm wrong, but I'm getting the feeling that No. 374 is looking more and more like a tortoise. Very well. Tomorrow I will ask for Scott's opinion. I remember that tortoises are his favorite. \n\n\n(It seems there is more to this file, but it's been torn off.)
SC_424243_DATA03Laboratory Record No. 118295 Section 6: \n\nAlthough this is not the first time that a living person has been used as a guinea pig and this is not the first time that we have forcibly altered someone, this time the alteration is unusually noisy... Sometimes I wonder if women lost their voice from crying so much, but, from this woman I have seen, she shouldn't. \n\nAh, speaking of Chupuras, I just thought of... \n\n(It seems some liquid has been spilled on this section. The writing is unclear.)\n\n... I only put the new tortoise voice in the woman's throat yesterday! It's as if she will never tire from yelling so much! \n\n(The document ends here. The signature at the end reads, Scott.)
SC_424243_DATA04I said that we didn't want to make them like tortoises and yet they all turn out like tortoises in the end! After all, how much can you really like tortoises! ? \n\n(The sections before and after this text is missing. All that is left is this mysterious sentence.)
SC_424243_TLTTLEExperiment Information left on the Floor
Sys424243_nameSearch for the Documents
Sys424243_szquest_accept_detailThank you for making the trip for me. You probably want to know about the monsters and the experiments, right? \n\nActually, we monsters used to be normal living people, not that different from you. The The Hand of Truth conducted the most terrifying experiments ever heard of in this laboratory. <CR>They took the living and the dead and combined them in the same body</CR>. If you made the dead free to walk again as an undead creature, it would still be much better than the experiments that happened here. \n\nLook at my body. Half of it is made up of rotting flesh. There are even maggots burrowing through it. The other half can't be considered healthy, but at least it is living flesh. You see maggots burrowing in your dead flesh and animals taking bites of you and yet you feel nothing. It's really revolting... \n\nBut later, for some unknown reason, those devils just left. We are all that stayed behind. Some of my companions couldn't stand the torture and went mad. After that happened, they started to destroy the equipment in the laboratory. Perhaps that is how it ended up in the river. \n\nThat's right. There should still be some records inside the lab. <CR>If I remember correctly, there should be four sets of documents still scattered in the laboratory</CR>.
Sys424243_szquest_complete_detailDisguising onself as a human doesn't seem very effective, I've only just managed to get this far.\n\nYou seem to have been collecting intelligence in this area for quite some time now, did you discover anything new?
Sys424243_szquest_descGo to the laboratory and search for the experiment documents