result count: 11

SC_424244_00It looks like Morrok is still looking at the documents. Speak with him later.
SC_424244_01It looks like there aren't any clues in these documents. We should go back into the lab and see if we can find any other clues.
SC_424244_02You can go and help with something else. If I discover anything here I will let you know.
SC_424244_03All you can find are cockroaches and other bugs...
SC_424244_04How come this document mentions tortoises again?
SC_424244_05It's terrible. All that's left is a pile of garbage. There isn't the slightest useful clue.
SC_424244_06What exactly do the tortoises refer to? Why does the word tortoise keep coming up in these documents...
Sys424244_nameReunite with Morrok
Sys424244_szquest_accept_detail... The contents of these documents... It looks like the Hand of Truth is even more cold-blooded than I imagined. They went so far as to do experiments to combine the living and the dead in one body. That's even more disgusting than simply controlling the dead. \nHuh? Wait a minute. There is also a document about the Dragons in here! ?
Sys424244_szquest_complete_detailFirst give me the information regarding the Dragons. I want to find out what exactly the Hand of Truth was using this information and the laboratory for. I have a feeling it was something terrible.
Sys424244_szquest_descExchange information about recent events with [118292|Morrok Wallinder].