result count: 9

SC_424257_02(After [118328|Huul Steelspike] looks at the letter, he throws it into the furnace.) \n\nAh...! I can't control how people use the items that I create. However...since you all started it. I could, reluctantly, change my work schedule to coordinate with yours. That way we can avoid a situation where things change and I suffer the consequences.
SC_424257_04(After [118517|Hatka Saltpeter] finishes looking at the letter, he burps and takes out something.) \n\nLook. Isn't this part so pretty? It may be small, but you don't know how many things can't operate without it...If it's lost, no matter how hard you work, all your efforts are for nothing! Don't you agree?
SC_424257_06([118329|Gideon Battleaxe] reads the letter with a strange seriousness.)\n\nThe analysis in here is correct! If "that kind of thing" happens, then the national strength of the rhinos will be pushed to the extreme and they will surely fight back! It's a thankless situation for our clan. Special Envoys of the Human King, I will join you. \n\nBut it seems there is something that you have gotten wrong. Everything I do is for the benefit of the people of the clan! Therefore, if you can bring up some points to persuade me, then I will spare no effort to help you! I'm not some fool who will follow random orders!
SC_424257_GIVEGive the Package with a Secret Letter to him.
Sys424257_nameThe attitude of a neutral party member
Sys424257_szquest_accept_detailOkay! I will divide the loot that you brought into 3 sets. You can...take them to the <CS>Experienced Craftsman</CS>, the hardworking <CS>Sentry Squad Captain</CS> and the <CS>Machine Repairman</CS>...Speak with them and build a relationship. There may be some unforeseen benefits. If there are, please report the good news to me!
Sys424257_szquest_complete_detailCurrently there is a great shortage of resources and manpower. No one will be willing to face those Kalon Rhinos unless they have a death wish!
Sys424257_szquest_descTake the [<S>240226|Packages with Secret Letters] to [118328|Huul Steelspike], [118517|Hatka Saltpeter] and [118329|Gideon Battleaxe]. Get them to agree to not help the general in his unauthorized attack plan.
Sys424257_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhen doing anything, you must make all preparations before acting. This is the reason why wasn't rash to spread word about the campaign before. One slip up might alert the enemy and that is not a good thing. It will only create more problems. Now, with you here, I believe that everything can be carried out without problems!