result count: 9

SC_424263_EAT_MEATYou ate the [240245|Meat Stew with Wine Marinade]. Your breath smells like meat and wine.
SC_424263_GIVE_MEETTake the [240245|Meat Stew with Wine Marinade] to [118257|Lydia Lum].
SC_424263_GIVE_MEET_02Haha, no meat? The Special Envoy couldn't have eaten it, right? It doesn't matter. I have more over there. If you like it, go and help yourself!
SC_424263_GIVE_MEET_03Accept the [240245|Meat Stew with Wine Marinade] given by [118540|Lucha Redhat].
Sys424263_nameLucha's Meat Stew with Wine Marinade
Sys424263_szquest_accept_detailYou are...Huh...You aren't the legendary "Special Envoy," are you? That's right, that's right. I have heard about you from other [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] envoys. It must be you! Since they sent the "Special Envoy"...You mean that the war can end soon? Is that right? The Special Envoy is here to solve that problem? \n\n...I'm very sorry. I got too excited. It always gets to me when I think about the warriors who died on the battlefield. Every day for ten years I've lost good friends to that battlefield. I really hope that everything will end soon! [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] is willing to help. I am looking forward to it! It's so moving! \n\nTake this, take it! This is Secret Grove Boshi Meat made with [240243|Laylan Liquor]. This [240245|Meat Stew with Wine Marinade] is a specialty of the Fireboots! Last time the [118272|Palor Douve] envoys came, the meat wasn't ready to eat yet. Now it is and I don't know when they will come back. Special Envoy, why don't you take some extra. Help me give it out to [118257|Lydia Lum] at [ZONE_DALARNITH_STATIONING_CAMP|Dalanis Delegation Campsite]. After all, you see each other often, right?
Sys424263_szquest_complete_detailAh... it's [240245|Meat Stew with Wine Marinade] made by [118540|Lucha Redhat]. Thank you for bringing this to us. We don't have a lot of food. This meat will be a great help to us.
Sys424263_szquest_descHelp [118540|Lucha Redhat] take the [240245|Meat Stew with Wine Marinade] to [118257|Lydia Lum] in the [ZONE_DALARNITH_STATIONING_CAMP|Dalanis Delegation Campsite].
Sys424263_szquest_uncomplete_detailDidn't Master Knight go to the [ZONE_FIREBOOT_DWARF_FORTRESS|Fireboot Fortress]? Why have you come back? Is it because of something important?