result count: 6

SC_424271_01Warning: You don't have permission to operate this equipment!
Sys424271_nameThe Source of the Castle's Energy
Sys424271_szquest_accept_detailHic, hic! I think I drank too much...\n\nCan you help me and go inspect that equipment? If something happens with the furnace, then all the work inside and outside the castle will come to a standstill! \n\nI have written down the inspection process in a notebook. Just follow the steps and everything should be fine. \n\nHow was it? Can I trouble you to help me?
Sys424271_szquest_complete_detailIs the situation okay? \n\nIt is said that the concept of this energy system comes from the great Ingham! Although they are dirty and clumsy, these pots not only provide the castle with a lasting supply of energy, they don't release any harmful gases. Pretty good huh? \n\nSince everything is okay, I think I can also take it easy. \n\nHic, hic!
Sys424271_szquest_descHelp [118332|Siki Saltpeter] inspect the furnace equipment in the castle. After the inspection is complete, report back to [118332|Siki Saltpeter] and return the [209633|Siki's Maintenance Notes].
Sys424271_szquest_uncomplete_detailHic, hic! The situation is pretty good, right?! \n\nI know that you need to keep things under control, but who can resist the taste of wine?