result count: 5

Sys424273_nameHatka the Drunk's Trouble
Sys424273_szquest_accept_detailDo you know [118518|Laylan Winejar]? Surely you do!\n\nThe Winejars are a family that has been in the business of brewing liquor for generations. All of our people enjoy the alcohol that they brew. The reason is there is no other that is as fragrant, pure, pungent or spicy...\n\nSigh! Can you bring me back some liquor? \n\nTalking about it just makes me want to have a glass...
Sys424273_szquest_complete_detail(...[118517|Hatka Saltpeter] roughly listens to the passed events.) \n\nUgh, it seems I have caused a lot of problems for you! What can I do to make up for it? \n\nPerhaps I should try to control my own drinking habits. I should shift my focus to my work. \n\nI am indebted to you, friend!
Sys424273_szquest_descFind [118518|Laylan Winejar] for [118517|Hatka Saltpeter] and bring back some [240243|Laylan Liquor].
Sys424273_szquest_uncomplete_detailBut it's just a bottle of liquor. It shouldn't be too much trouble for you!